A ‘lipstick effect’ and our best year in the hair industry business

lipstick effect

It’s called the ‘lipstick effect’ or more traditionally known as a ‘lipstick economy’ but same same! And if you haven’t heard of it yet, I’m about to educate you. But what you need to know is that it is one of the leading reasons why being in the hair business is ALWAYS a good idea.

What is the lipstick effect?

Think about it. When times are tough what are the first things you will cut back on?

You’ll fire the cleaner.

You’ll fire your SHRINK!

You will NEVER fire your hair dresser.

In fact, there is a lot of research that suggests whenever people are down and out for whatever reason, its beauty cosmetics and products that they’ll turn too to spend their dough on. Even when they don’t really have it spare to spend.

And that’s a part of why we’ve had such a great year as a supplier of leading hair brands to salons across Western Australia but there are a handful of other reasons worthy of a mention.

  1. Salon’s ‘making the switch’ to more sustainable brands; Like Original Mineral has been absolute RED HOT this year! Business owners are waking up to the demands of their consumers who are making more informed buying choices thanks to the like of Tik Tok and a more a changing planet they care about. Not to mention having a LOCAL Australian brand where it’s female led founder is a real life person that actually gets on the ground connecting with her salons. This year we smashed all records on converting salons over to the very popular O&M.
  2. We went HARD on laying our business foundations; What you don’t see behind the scenes. This year we worked our butts off building our online presence and laying all the technical processes that allow to provide a more open and accessible stream of communication with our audience. And not to brag but you may have even seen us crack a mention in IN STYLE.
  3. Connections became our priority; Who are we without you, our salon owners? Not only have we worked hard to strengthen our client relationships this year but we accomplished some enormous industry milestones partnering with the likes of Natalie Anne and Boho Blonde. The connections we build form the core of our business and it’s been an honour seeing them flourish this year.

To all of you who played a part in making this our best year yet we thank you! From an Instagram like to a full salon change over, we are eternally grateful to all who support us, as a family run business in 2023. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!